Sunday, January 04, 2009

PDT 2.0 Released!

4 days ago PHP Development Tools 2.0 was released, and 20,000 of "early birds" had downloaded and started evaluating its new features. If I'd characterize this release in a few words, I'd concentrate on the following topics:
  • PHP Inference Engine: code based Completion and Navigation Engines, Type Hierarchy, Marc Occurrences, Override Indicators, and more...
  • Improved Performance and Scallability: faster startup; RAM usage is limited, irregardless how many projects are open.
  • Build Path: separate project resources from your source code.
And the most important thing is that we're really getting a lot of help from the community: people participate in the newsgroup, ask and answer questions in the IRC channel, report bugs. I really appreciate your help!


Eugene Kuleshov said...

Michael, is it possible to configure pdt to work with eclipse phoenix-themed project sites? There is plenty of those sites in CVS. Thanks.

Michael said...

There should be no problem working with Eclipse phoenix themes. The only thing you have to do is checking out the "" project into your workspace, and making your project reference to this project, so $App and others will be recognized.

Nitin Dahyabhai said...

Any chance the IRC channel topic could be unlocked or updated? It's very much out of date.